APNs Added.

Posted 5 CommentsPosted in apn

I have added a number of new APN’s for Carriers and fixed a few. If you think a settings is wrong please let me know and preferably give me a link to the correct settings from the Carriers website. There are lots of other lists of APN Settings randomly on the net and quite a […]

iOS 8.0 releases today

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in apn, unlockit

It has been a while since the Beta’s came out but first non-beta of iOS8 releases today to the public. As always  www.unlockit.co.nz still works with iOS8 and people shouldn’t have any issues with using it. www.unlockit.co.nz does not jailbreak/crack/hack or anything your iPhone. It sets APN (Data Settings) on your iPhone when the ability is hidden […]

What is an APN ?

Posted 3 CommentsPosted in apn, Apple, Mobile, sim, unlockit

So what is an APN? APN stands for Access Point Name. It is an identifier for access to data on a mobile network. It is a name usually something like “internet” with an optional username and password. If you have the incorrect APN for a mobile network then you will not be able to access any […]

Hotspot APN Settings not Saving for Users.

Posted 3 CommentsPosted in apn, Apple, hotspot, mms

Quite a few people have contacted me and there are others on other sites (including Apple’s discussion forums) have been complaining that APN Settings for Hotspots don’t save when changed. (Thats if you can edit them in the first place) This is not across all carriers/countries/users as far as I know (It works for me […]